Clove Oil fumes keep Oil Paint wet

I just read about using a small sponge soaked with clove oil to retard the drying of oil paint on the palette – put the sponge on the palette and then close up the box or lid. The fumes from the clove oil apparently keep squeezed out oil paint wet (with no skin) for weeks. Where to get clove oil? Asian or Indian market or a health food store – much cheaper at the Asian food market. I’ll report back here after trying this trick for a week or so….

1 comment

  1. OK – after a week of not looking at my palette, I unwrapped it today – and….most of my paint is still wet and smooth! Cad. red and yellow had a slight skin, but the rest are fresh as the minute they came from the tube! This works… Don’t forget to wrap the palette in a plastic bag to keep the clove fumes contained.
    2 minutes ago · Like

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